Regulations of JADS
Article 1. Name
This society is named:1. In Japanese: Ato dokyumente-shon gakkai
2. In English: Japan Art Documentation Society
3. Abbreviation: JADS
Article 2. Secretariat
This society is to have a secretariat, the location of which shall be determined by the Board of Operating Officers.Article 3. Purposes
The purposes of this society are to contribute to the promotion and development of art documentation and to resolve problems related to such matters within and outside Japan utilizing partnership with and the co-operation of libraries, art museums, museums, archives, institutions for art study, related media and other similar organizations. Also the society pursues the establishment of status of the interdisciplinary functional specialists who deal with art documentation and information.Article 4. Activities
In order to achieve its purposes, this society will perform the following activities:(1) The holding of an annual convention, workshops, lecture meetings, tours to various institutions.
(2) Activities of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and District Affiliates.
(3) Collection, exchange and supply of information and materials.
(4) Promotion of interactions among parties concerned with art documentation.
(5) Publication of proceedings/newsletters, Newsletter of the Japan Art Documentation Society and an annual bulletin, The Bulletin of the Japan Art Documentation Society.
(6) Development and promotion of a List of Articles on Art Documentation in Japan.
(7) Development and promotion of a List of Institutions related to Art Documentation.
(8) Construction of the society's Website in Japanese and English.
(9) Broad co-ordination with other institutions and organizations involved in documentation.
(10) Participation in, and co-operation with, the activities of the Art Libraries Division of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA SAL).
(11) Co-operation with similar organizations in many countries such as the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA).
(12) Other projects necessary to fulfill the purpose of this society.
Article 5. Membership
1. Types of membershipThere are four types of membership available to this society, as follows:
(1) Full membership: individuals agreeing with the purposes of this society,
(2) Student membership: students agreeing with the purposes of this society,
(3) Associate membership: individuals or institutions/organizations agreeing with the purposes of this society.
(4) Subscription membership: non-profitable organizations and institutions such as libraries in order to subscribe the proceedings and bulletins published by the society.
(5) Honorary membership: individuals contributed to this society and fulfills the conditions of section 6 of this article.
2. Subscription Procedures
Those who wish to become members of this society shall submit an application on the prescribed form and require the approval of the Board of Operatig Officers.
3. Membership Fees
Full membership: 6000 yen per year (Seniors over 65: 4000 yen per year)
Student membership: 4000 yen per year
Subscription membership: 12,000 yen per year
Associate Membership: One unit or more (each unit: 30,000 yen per year)
Honorable Membership: Exempt from membership fees.
4. Rights of members
(1) Full members are able to vote at the general meeting.
(2) Members are able to receive the proceedings and bulletins published by the society.
(3) Members except those who are in subscription membership are able to participate in activities arranged by the society.
5. Termination and Withdrawal of Membership
In the following cases, membership may be terminated.
(1) Where a member inflicts serious damage on the reputation of the society,
(2) Where a member fails to pay his or her membership fee for at least two years without offering any justifiable reason,
(3) Where a member applies to withdraw from the society.
In the case of (1), the membership will be terminated with the approval of the general meeting after due consideration by the Board of Operating Officers.
Article 6. Structure
1. Directors(1) The society shall appoint Directors as follows:
One President,
One Secretary General,
Up to twenty Secretaries
Councils (one council per 30 members in principle), and
One Auditor.
The society may also appoint one Vice-President and a fiew Advisers. (2) Role of Directors
The President shall represent the society and take final responsibility for its management, in order to achieve the purposes and activities provided for in the regulations.
The Vice-President shall assist the President and support the Secretary General.
The Advisers shall offer consultation and provide advice.
The Secretary General, as the leader of the secretaries, plays a central role in carrying out the activity programs planned for each year.
Each Secretary shall be responsible for the particular tasks assigned to him/her, and carry out the activity programs planned for each year focusing on the tasks assigned.
The councils cooperate to carry out the society and offer advice.
The Auditor shall audit the accounts and activities of the society.
(3) Selection of Directors
The Directors except Councils shall be selected from among the members, and determined by approval of the general meeting after due consideration by the Board of Operating Officers.
The Councils shall be selected from among the members and determined after due consideration by the Board of Directors.
(4) Terms of Office
The terms of office shall be two years, but Directors may be re-elected.
The reelection of the President, Vice-President, Advisers, Secretary General, Council and the Auditor is limited up to three terms (6 years). The reelection of the Secretaries is limited up to four terms (8 years). Unavoidable circumstances allow the reelection of the Secretaries for just one term (2 years) after one term (2 years) interval following the expiration of his/her full term of office.
(5) Acting President
When the President is unavailable to act as the result of unforeseen circumstances or when the position is vacant, the Secretary General shall act in his place. When the Vice-President is appointed, the Vice-President shall act in his place.
(6) Secretariat
The society may employ full-time office workers in a secretariat to process administrative and technical matters in relation to the affairs of the society.
2. Board of Operating Officers
(1) The Board of Operating Officers consists of the President, the Secretary General, and the Secretaries. The Vice-President is also a member of the Board when he/she is appointed. The Auditor is able to attend Board meetings if deemed necessary in order to fulfill his functions. And the Advisers are also able to attend the Board meeting if the President requested them to attend.
(2) The Board of Operating Officers shall discuss and execute the affairs of the society.
(3) Board meetings shall be convened by the president.
(4) The quorum for a Board meeting shall be more than half of the Directors.
Those attending by virtue of powers of attorney shall be regarded as attendees.
3. Board of Councils
(1) The Board of Councils consists of the Councils.
(2) The Board of Councils shall deliberate the issues on the management of the society and provide advices.
(3) Board meetings shall be convened by the president.
4. Headquarters
Headquarters consists of Secretariat, Directors in charge of general affairs and accountant.
5. Committees
(1) In order to carry out particular continuing projects, permanent or temporary committees may be established.
(2) To establish a committee, the approval of the Board of Operating Officers must be obtained.
(3) One chair shall be appointed for each committee. (4) The Directors may establish a task force, if deemed necessary.
5. Special Interest Group (SIG)
(1) Any member of the society may organize an SIG, according to his or her interests, as a base for everyday activities.
(2) SIGs shall be established after being approved by the Board of Operatign Officers.
(3) The activities of each SIG shall be reported at the general meeting and at any other opportunities.
(4) SIGs are disbanded with the approval the Board of Operating Officers after reporting the reason and background to the Board of Operating Officers. When a SIG inflicts serious damage on the reputation of the society, the SIG will be disbanded with the approval of the general meeting after due consideration by the Board of Operating Officers.
6. District Affiliates
(1) District affiliates may be established as a base for the everyday activities of members.
(2) The purpose of district affiliates is to contribute to promoting the activities of the society by conducting professional surveys and research freely through mutual co-operation among the members in that district.
(3) District affiliates shall be established after being approved by the Board of Operating Officers.
(4) The activities of district affiliates shall be reported at the general meeting and at any other opportunities.
(5) District Affiliates are disbanded with the approval the Board of Operating Officers after reporting the reason and background to the Board of Operating Officers. When a District Affiliate inflicts serious damage on the reputation of the society, the District Affiliate will be disbanded with the approval of the general meeting after due consideration by the Board of Operating Officers.
Article 7. General Meetings
(1) The general meeting shall be held once a year.(2) The general meeting shall be open to all full members.
(3) The quorum of the general meeting shall be one fifth of the total number of full members. Those attending by virtue of powers of attorney shall be regarded as attendees.
(4) Members may participate in the general meeting by submitting a power of attorney to the secretariat.
(5) A resolution of the general meeting requires the approval of more than half of the members present.
(6) An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at the initiative of at least one third of the members or at the initiative of a director. Such initiatives shall be submitted to the Board of Directors and considered by the Directors.
Article 8. Assets and Accounts
1. The assets of the society consists of:(1) Membership fees,
(2) Contributions,
(3) Revenue from activities, and
(4) Other revenue.
2. The expenses of the society shall be paid from membership fee, revenue derived from assets and activities, contributions and other revenue.
3. The fiscal year of the society shall be from April 1 to May 31 of the following year.
4. At the end of every fiscal year, the final accounts of expenditure and revenue must be reported to the general meeting after being approved by the Auditor.
Article 9. Revision of the Regulations and Dissolution of the Society
(1) When a revision is considered necessary, the mover shall submit a proposed revision to the Board of Operating Officers.(2) The Board of Operating Officers shall consider the proposed revision and present it to the general meeting in order to obtain the consent of the members.
(3) Dissolution of the society shall be determined by a resolution of three fourths of the attendees both at a meeting of the Board of Directors and at a general meeting.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be effective from June 8, 1991.
This revised version of the regulations shall be effective from June 8, 1993.
This further revision shall be effective from June 4, 1994.
This further revision shall be effective from June 6, 1998.
This further revision shall be effective from June 5, 1999.
This further revision shall be effective from June 2, 2001.
This further revision shall be effective from June 6, 2003.
This further revision shall be effective from June 5, 2004.
This further revision shall be effective from June 4, 2005.
This further revision shall be effective from June 4, 2006.
The provisions of Article 6 Structure (4) Term of Office shall be effective from the 2003 fiscal year.
Those who are directors as of March 31, 2001 shall be able to continue in office for two terms (4 years), even if the periods provided in Article 6 Structure (4) Term of Office have already elapsed.
The provisions of Membership and Membership fees shall be effective from the 2004 fiscal year.
The change of Japanese name of the society shall be effective from April 2005, Arto dokyumente-shon kenkyukai is used until March 31, 2005.