
The Bulletin of Japan Art Documentation Society No.31, May 2023


Digital Viewer "Time Machine Navi" on Cultural Heritage Online  MARUKAWA Yuzo - No.31, p.3-13, 2023.
RESUME: Cultural Heritage Online has been renewed in April 2022. Also, as a new function, the digital viewer "Time Machine Navi" was released. This paper explains the features of the Time Machine Navigation system and interface. Itʼs shown that the slider type interface of "era" and "region" brought about improvement of operability and quality of viewing experience. When using the Time Machine Navigation service, it is important that works have index words for the era and region. The effects and problems of index word generation by automatic linkage with the ColBase system were presented.

A Prototype Design of Comprehensive Information Model of Today's Exhibition  ISHII Atsushi - No.31, p.15-25, 2023.
RESUME: Considering exhibition in modern society as a huge and complex medium, I attempt to develop useful information models and possible ways of organizing information resources from the perspective of the general public who accept it. This paper, I propose a prototype information model for the sake of classifying and identifying specific information items which produced, distributed, and received related with the exhibition. Using this proposed model as a foothold, I will proceed with efforts such as structured descriptions which apply existing information resource organization frameworks (CIDOC-CRM, etc.) and data set prototypes beyond that, and open to public those practices.

Organization and Research Application Attempt of a Modest Scale of Mater: As a Case Study of WATNABE Jin, and KISIDA Hideto Materials  TOBITA Chizuru - No.31, p.27-34, 2023.
RESUME: I examined the possibility of conducting research using small architectural materials from NAMA collection. Although not large enough to hold a stand-alone exhibition, there are possibilities by comparing existing architecture and materials and by combining them with materials housed in other organizations. This time, I focus on the materials of WATANABE Jin and KISHIDA Hideto. The quality of the materials in their collections is different. Kishidaʼs materials can be combined with materials from other collections to provide general architectural materials content, while Watanabeʼs, although small in, can be combined with extant works to potentially reinforce the positioning of his work. Continued investigation and research can reinforce the significance of the inheritance of modern architecture.

Blast From the Past: Exhibition series "Introduction to Archive" as a Research Hub in Archives  ISHIMOTO Kae - No.31, p.35-40, 2023.
RESUME: Keio University Art Center has organized an exhibition series "Introduction to Archives". Exhibitions are good opportunities to portray "a perspective" by setting a theme and showing the result of our research activities. But there is a lot of space we need to discuss about what kind of information we should send out, and what is the best way to make an effective presentation of archival materials following to visitorʼs needs. I would like to pick up 4 past exhibitions as examples to show how we have structured exhibitions to present archival materials and used it as an opportunity to express our activities. Those cases show how we could encourage the interactive relationships with visitors and get positive reactions such as additional support to develop research, study, the archive collection, and the archive itself through organizing exhibitions.

Report on the 2022 Annual Conference of Japan Art Documentation Society  HOMMA Yu (Overview), FUKUI Kumiko (Symposium), KOGA Takashi (Presentation Session), ISHIGURO Reiko (Poster Presentation Session), YABE Keiko (Recent Issues and Activities) - No.31, p.41-51, 2023.

Report on the 15th Autumn Meeting (2022) of Japan Art Documentation Society  MATSUNAGA Shinobu (Overview), INOUE Kie (Exploratory Research Presentation Session (Part 1)), ATAKA Nozomu (Exploratory Research Presentation Session (Part 2)), KITAOKA Tamako (Presentation Session) - No.31, p.53-61, 2023.

List of Articles on Art Documentation in Japan 2022 Comp. by JADS Clearinghouse(KUBO Makoto, NISHIZAWA Ai, YAMAZAKI Miwa, KAMURA Tetsuro)- No.31, p.63-70, 2023.

Activity Report FY2022 of Japan Art Documentation Society No.31, p.71-79, 2023.

ERRATA(no.27/28, no.29, no.30)- No.31, p.87, 2023.